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Redwood Tables
from the trees of St. James'

Five redwood trees were planted in the park in front of St. James' Episcopal Church in about 1972.  Two of the trees died in the summer of 2021 and were taken down in April 2022.  I sliced several sections of end-grain and cut several slabs as well.  After drying for nearly two years I have recently completed transforming the first two into tables. 

This cross-section is 2 inches thick. The largest distance across is 30 inches, the smallest is 15".  It stands on three steel legs, 20 inches tall. It is finished with polyurethane.  THIS PIECE WAS SOLD AT THE FILOLI ARTWALK ON JULY 27. MORE CROSS SECTIONS ARE IN MY SHOP WAITING TO BE COMPLETED. 
This slab is 2 inches thick. It is 23 inches long and 20 inches wide, average.  It stands on four steel legs, 20 inches tall. It is finished with polyurethane.  Price $400

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